Monday, August 28, 2023

In Case You Missed It: Date and Location for Queens Baseball Convention 2023


I feel some folks might have missed announcement in May....

We would like to announce that we have a date and a venue for QBC 2023. This might be one of the earliest times that we have ever gotten a location and a date locked in. We also can't believe that it is going to be 10 years ago that we came up with the Queens Baseball Convention concept because the former owners of the Mets told us that Mets fans didn't want a fan fest.  Darren Meenan, Shannon Shark from Metspolice, Dan Twohig, and myself saw it way different. And we were right. With the support of our fellow Mets fans we have been able to put on events that we as fans wanted to see ourselves. We have made great strides over the years to get bigger and better. From starting off at Mcfadden's the first year not knowing if we would be able to pull it off logistically to being at Four Points Flushing being confident that we could put on another fun filled event. I personally want to thank everyone for coming out and keeping the fun rolling on. 

Now for the Main Event. The 2023 QBC will be held on December 2nd 2023 at Four Points Flushing. We got so many great responses and reviews from you guys about the location that we are running it the QBC again at it. We had nothing but great dealings with them and it is such a nice spot, pretty easy to get to location and parking that we had to go back. Now it is way too early to start putting together what guests we are having but. you know us, we try to bring the former players/guests that our fellow fans want to see.

Keep your eyes here for future updates and don't forget to visit also.


  1. I can walk to the Four Points

  2. can I reserve a VIP package now ? Last year they were sold out and being handicapped made waiting in the long lines impossible.
