Sunday, April 2, 2023

The QBC and how my wife now lives in Miami


I couldn't go down to Miami for Opening Day but my wife went. Of course my wife was sitting with The 7Line Army and she was sitting right behind Darren because we are friends with him. Also,  don't forget Darren is one of the original founders of the QBC. I received word through some back channels that Mets Owner Steve Cohen was going to sit with the T7LA for a bit at the game on Thursday. I told my wife that she has one job while she's down there. That one job, "PUSH THE QBC" to Steve Cohen. Everyone asks me if we ever have any dealings with the Mets or Steve Cohen with the QBC. And we do have some stuff with the Mets and they are great with sending us giveaways to give out to fans as prizes. But we have yet to get to Steve Cohen. I told Tricia(wife) that if she gets a chance to be around him to push the QBC. I was told "Honey, don't worry. If I get near Steve Cohen I am going to mention the QBC!!!"

So this happened.

Yep. She was right behind Steve and even was the first person who took a selfie with him. Do you think she pushed the QBC at all? NOPE! Not one bit. So I told her she can't come home and is now a permanent resident of MIAMI.(Not really. I am just giving her grief about this.)

In all honesty, I am really proud of my buddy Darren and what he's accomplished with The 7line over the years.

Also in all honesty, I want to get to Steve Cohen to try to talk to him about the QBC so maybe we can even have Steve to do a panel at the next QBC so he can meet a lot more fans and maybe get some more support for the QBC from the Mets.

Guys, tweet and email at Steve Cohen and the Mets and let them know how much fun you have at the QBC and want the Mets more involved.

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