Monday, November 2, 2020

My thoughts on @mets fans future experiences.


I have been thinking about the new Mets era coming that we have now come into with he ownership change of Steve Cohen from the Wilpons. As a Mets fan it is hard not to be wary of what the future holds even with a new owner with deep pockets. I am hoping that the change in the philosophy in the running of the team. I am not only talking about the on field product but the actually way the organization treats the fans. I want to see a better way of how tickets are sold as plans money wise vs the promotions that undercuts the price of your seats and the secondary market if you want to sell your tickets if you can't make a game. The MVP "Perks" that they sat you get vs what the non plan holders aren't that great. They are okay but just okay and not worth the amount of money you pay for the value toy get.

I got a phone call from my new "ticket rep" today trying to sell me on buying  plan again. I hope my last rep is doing okay and found another job or got promoted. Now I have been getting some emails from folks about Ticket Reps saying that 80 percent of plan holders have already renewed.

Here is a comment from one of my posts the other day.

I have gotten a lot of emails from Old Grouch over the years ans he is usually correct in what he sends me.

I am happy with my T7L tickets that rolled over from last year and I will just buy tickets from stub hub or some other secondary ticket website.

I do like that Cohen is trying to show that he cares about the fans with his tweets and wants to take the plus of the fans and what they want for the experiences at the stadium. The Mets need to figure out their giveaways and the lines to get them. They have to figure out the concessions stands and having mobile ordering and quicker pick up. They need to figure out how to stop people from walking down during at bats. not only is it rude but there is safety issues too. I am very interested in seeing if/how the culture changes.

Maybe we will finally get all the stuff @Metspolice have fought for over the years. I wouldn't know what to do with myself then. If I have no fan gripes to advocate about anymore does this blog need to exist? Should I just roll over back to

1 comment:

  1. Old grouch has it in writing. I would not believe the Mets ticket dept. in almost anything they say. They are sales people of the worst kind. I hate buying new cars and Mets tickets. Read below:

    Bradley Klug
    Tue, Sep 15, 10:54 AM

    to me

    I hear where you are coming from Joe, and I am happy to work with you to provide additional value.

    I am willing to include 5 free parking passes (for mutually agreed upon games; non Opening Day or Subway Series) with the purchase of your 20 Game Weekday plan in Prom Gold. With that purchase, the bonus credit would be about $160 and the 5 parking passes provides $125 in additional value.
