Friday, July 24, 2020

Opening Day 2020 Thoughts.

It is 10:15 am and drizzling as I am writing this post. July 24th. Opening Day 2020. Pandemic Baseball. I have a real mixed bag of feelings going on right now. On one hand I want baseball back because I am getting tired of watching Netflix, Hulu, DC Universe, YouTube TV, HBO MAX, Disney Plus, and it will feel like something normal has come back to the world. On the other hand, I don't want the players, coaches Umpires, Grounds Crew, production staff, social media staff, and all their families getting sick/dying from Covid-19. The Mets also broke me last year with the way some security were handling the fans coming into the ball part or even trying to leave the ballpark. That caused me to give up my half season plan. I kept my 7Line Army seats because I enjoy hanging out with my friends.

Knowing that there is no hanging out at a game with my buddies or going on road trips makes this season seem very blah to me. Not to mention the looming real world problems that we have going on such as the pandemic, unemployment, racism, people hating each other because they have different views, murders, and so much more going on, I can't get the excitement for the sport itself that I would have on a typical Opening Day. That's because we aren't having a typical Opening Day. I am going to watch the game (if it doesn't get rained out), see how long I can watch it for, and who knows, maybe for a few hours things will feel normal.

Stay Safe enjoy the game.

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