Saturday, April 25, 2020

JLO/A-Rod doing their own thing during the stay at home/quarantine(whatever you want to call it)

From the NY Post

While the rest of us shelter in place, with all this newly free time to worry about how to pay bills or rent or where the next meal’s coming from, A-Rod and J.Lo — two world-class athletes who surely have a Peloton between them, not to mention personalized workouts designed by personal trainers — just had to have a public Miami gym open for them in early April, after Florida’s governor had issued a statewide stay-at-home order.
“The gym is not open,” read a sign posted to the gym’s door. The photograph Page Six ran? J.Lo and A-Rod opening that door on their way out.
Not since the Varsity Blues scandal have we been so bracingly reminded that there really are one set of rules for the 1 percent and another for everybody else. At least that scandal saw jail time for its offenders. Why aren’t J-Rod facing, at the very least, fines for so brazenly violating these rules?
Six days after their shameless gym excursion, the couple posted a video to Facebook.
“Hey everyone — we want you to please stay home to stop the spread of COVID-19,” says Jenny from the Block, wearing her best expression of knitted-brow faux-concern. “You know, we’re staying home to protect those on the front lines — the doctors, the nurses and technicians that are working so hard to save lives at our hospitals.”
Read more here.

It's cool to see the 25 plus 1 rule still applies to A-Rod. Now it is 328.199998 million plus 2. I don't get everyone who wants these two to be part owners of the Mets. We all don't like the Wilpons as owners, I get it. I just am very wary of who the ownership will be next. The two of them are not the superheroes swooping in to save the franchise. If you folks are cool with this that's fine with me. I just don't want to hear Sell the Team down the road when it comes to them or any other potential owners.

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