Monday, January 21, 2019

@QBConvention 2019 Thoughts

Hey everyone!!! So who had a good time at the QBC this year? Me, Dan and all the volunteers are exhausted from Saturday but it's a good exhaustion. We are trying to recover( I was in bed all day yesterday).

That seemed like a success. SNY's Shea Anything an BBNY panels were fun. Ed Kranepool, Edgardo Alfonzo, and Darryl Strawberry had some great stories and were great with the crowds. Todd Zeile was a great addition to the signing alley. I had a great convo with him sitting in the booth while we were waiting for the line to fill up and it did. The vendors had some great stuff(sorry about the chill in the air in the tent). Dennis Holden had some great trivia and prizes. Shannon Shark brought it with the Meet the Mets Execs and the Uniform Panel (you guys got to see some of my collection).Oh yeah that David Wright fella got the Gil Hodges Unforgettable Fire award and even had a video message for everyone.

Again thanks to everyone for making this a great event!!!


  1. It was an amazing event. Everyone was so nice and the passion of this fanbase is incredible.

  2. An amazing event. I look forward to it every year, and each year seems better than the last. Can't wait for next year!
