Thursday, December 27, 2018

@QBConvention is totally sold out. There aren't any more tickets.Please stop asking.

First of all I want to thank ll of you who have bought tickets to the SOLD OUT QBC 2019, we really appreciate it. For all you folks that have had interest in the QBC and tried to buy tickets and got shut out, we told you to buy your tickets early because from the first day we went up for sale with them on Black Friday they moved quick. Saying that, thank you for wanting to buy tickets. We wish we had a bigger venue to accommodate more folks but it's can't happen with QBC 2019 and thank you for understanding that.

Now for all you folks that keep DM'ing, emailing, texting, and commenting on FB. WE DON'T HAVE ANYMORE TICKETS!!! THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NONE LEFT. PLEASE STOP ASKING! Check twitter and FB and see if anyone might have an extra or can't go.

We have had a guy tell us he's going to tell his friends to boycott us in the future because he kept getting shut out of tickets. Tickets were on sale for a whole month. I don't know how you kept getting shut out for a month. "I reeeeeeaaallllllyyyy want to go to your event, so I am going to tell my friends to boycott future QBCs". That guy is probably thinking if a few of his friends don't go he might have a shot of buying tickets.

Another guy wants us to move it to Sunday because it's his only day off. Come on man....

Yet another guy told us that he just heard about QBC but it was sold out already when he went to Eventbrite to buy tickets. He then said that he saw the single admission/single auto ticket was sold out and only the single admission/two auto tickets were left and he was hoping that single admission/single auto tickets would be released again before the event. So what was it? Did you get to eventbrite and everything was sold out or were there only single admission/two auto tickets left?

Folks. I am really trying to not to be a jack ass about this. Dan and I bust our asses putting this together every year. For most of the leg work it is just the two of us doing all the work. As we get closer we get 2-3 more folks who jump in to help us with some more of the work. The day of the event there is about 25 folks who volunteer and help us out. We knock this all out in a day. Set up/doing the event/breaking down. We get to Katch at 7am set up until doors open at 10:30am then are in constant motion until 7:30 pm. That's 12 1/2 hrs. Figure another 2 hrs to break down everything, that's a 14 1/2 hr day. 14 1/2 hour non stop day. I also work 80 hr weeks at work. So that will turn into almost a 100 hour work week for me. I need Sunday to just be in a  coma all day to recover for work Monday. That is why we can't move the event to Sunday or do a two day event. I honestly don't think I would survive that weekend. We do this as a passion project. We aren't professional event organizers. We do this because we feel there is a need/want for an event like this for our fellow Mets fans.

Thanks for understanding guys.

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