Saturday, June 10, 2017

Another Commercial with The T7LA featuring RallyMan?

You guys know how I feel about Cowbellman and his schtick... Folks asked me what I think about Rally Man... In a nut shell... Rally Man when he first appeared on the scene was too over the top. Some people didn't like him. He has toned down his "rallyness" when not in the games. If he is annoying you by being where he's not supposed to be and you ask him to move he will,unlike Cowbellman..  I do think people throughout the stadium though are trying too hard to be the next dancing Homer...

Anyway PIX11 has a commercial featuring Rally and the T7LA...

1 comment:

  1. Ever see or hear of Shirtman, Alan Kruger. He's has been at a few of our 7line games. Always wears the same smelly shirt and seems to cause drama where ever he is. I would love to hear your review on this wanna be super fan. His FB page is public. Take a look.
