Saturday, October 11, 2008

I AM LEGEND(I know really up to date here)

This is something that has been irking me since I watched I AM LEGEND.  The dark seekers are supposed to be vampires.  Instead of a psychological war that the vampires waged on Neville every night we get a movie of cannibalistic mole people who are all supposedly working on instinct except for the one Leader who organizes them.  How the hell did that happen? Why isn't there more of these smart dark seekers who can set traps on Neville?  It just took away the really what made the book great.  Maybe this prequel that they are making for I AM LEGEND will touch more on the psychology of the book and the way society goes from millions to  just one guy left in nyc.  If you guys have read the book you know the movie didn't even touch on why the title of the book is called I AM LEGEND. I don't want to write about it here just in case someone hasn't read it and now is interested in it. I know movies are not usually as good as the books but come on. Give me just a little something more with this movie.  I know this deviates from my Knight Rider post about not wanting to have to think about what I am watching, but I had my thinking cap on for this one...


  1. What the movie strayed away from (and the DVD clears up) is that the Legend is that the zombies are a society, and they have this legend of this scary guy that only comes out in the day and captures and tortures them.

    If you see the alternate ending, it's a much better version. Will smith realizes that he's actually the scary one.

  2. But the original movie as it is released does not convey that at all. The dvd did convey that but heres the other question. why blow up the bridges to queens and brooklyn and flood the tunnels but leave the GWB still standing to mainland USA? and most of the zombies convey no thought or emotions in the movie. If they went the route with the vampires and the woman who infiltrates Nevilles house in the book and tells how he is the monster to the semi vamps. I like most of the movie but it left a lot to be desired.
